Where Are We: Ashford Carbonell, ShropshireFirst the good news, our late summer/early autumn hobby was to learn to ride motor bikes and we were blessed with a superb Indian Summer in which to do it, sunshine, warm weather, superb autumn colours and dry roads made for a great few months. Linda needed a way to get to the train station so she bought a scooter and it was so much fun I bought a 125cc motor bike so we could head off and explore together.
In between commuting to work we had some fun weekends exploring the never ending sights of the area, following up Stonehenge with a trip to the huge stone circle in Avebury.

The whole village is surrounded by a ring of monoliths that form a sort of amphitheatre, nobody has any idea why this was done 5,000 years ago and I guess no one ever will, but while not as photogenic as Stonehenge it is in many ways more impressive, as well as benefitting from many less visitors.
The bad news is that we have decided to postpone our return to Matsu and skip this winters cruising. As many of you know my father is very ill, fighting a valiant battle with cancer, and towards the end of October his health deteriorated considerably and we have decided that the best place for us to be at present is here in the UK supporting my family while Dad is nursed at home. He remains in good spirits and is thankfully not in any pain and the good wishes and love that many of you have sent to him and us are much appreciated.
So we are now living in a small village just outside Ludlow in Shropshire where my parents live, and dividing our days between gym and caring for Dad, if his smile and our waistlines are anything to go by we are doing better at the latter!
Safe sailing to all those of you out on the water, we can't wait to see you all again in the Caribbean in 2010.
Happy Christmas