We leave today to head back to Matsu after a roller coaster year ashore.
My father passed away at the end of January, peacefully at home with the
family around, leaving us all sad he had gone, but happy we had done everything we could to make his last
months as good as they could be.
He remained full of his usual good humour and sense of fun right to the end, got one last Christmas with the family and is now sadly missed by us all.
The past months have been filled with helping Mum sort out her new life and trying to organise our own and enjoying our remaining time in the UK with friends and family. We fostered a dog called Robbie who brought a lot of much needed smiles into our lives, learned to ride big motor bikes and rode up to Hadrians Wall and the Lake District, and spent some great times with our UK friends who we must now wave goodbye to as we head home.
Robbie The Wonder Dog
Motor Bike Touring
Our minds have now turned to Matsu, what sort of state will she be in after 12 months ashore, what will work, what won't work, how many months of repairs lie ahead, is she easily sailable - so many questions answers to follow.