Harness Creek, Annapolis, Maryland
38 56.1N 76 30.5WWe have now been in Annapolis since the 20th of June, all the time in the same anchorage. As well as the boat work mentioned last entry and hundreds of smaller tasks, we have had a chance to explore a bit and had a couple of visitors.
The particular anchorage we have been staying in is a paradise during the week, we are usually the only boat, however every weekend 50-100 stink boats with as many people as you can legally fit on turn up, anchor so close that when they jump in for a swim you get wet on our boat, and inflate every type of pool toy known to man. Luckily everyone also goes home for the night so by 9pm peace has returned and the Jerry Springer style whooping has stopped!
We had originally planned on spending July 4th in New York, but it ended up being Annapolis instead. We went into town and after a couple of pints of Guinness watched the Independence Day Parade. We were greeted with a small town America procession of Yankee Doodle costumes, Corvettes, Fire Trucks, dogs and local dignitaries - high point for us as bean counters was Senator Oxley of Sarbanes- Oxley fame! The band concert was canceled because of the rain, but we did get to watch the fireworks from the deck of our boat and although we have become rather accustomed to an Opera House being in front of fire works, they were still good.
Once the work finished we had visitors, Roger Wilson arrived for the weekend to avoid installing cable TV, phone lines, internet etc etc in the new house in Philadelphia (I have since heard they have RWC coverage on cable so we will be there most of September/October). Then we had a visit from Linda's parents for 10 days, all went well, Gabby has a boat phobia so it was a great effort to be on board that long. While they were here we made shameless use of their car to do provisioning runs, pick up spare parts etc etc as well as a day trip into Washington DC.

Washington was excellent, we will go back again in the autumn to do it more justice. This trip we took in the Capitol Building and the White House where we saluted George W in the appropriate manner for a man of his standing.
We didn't have time to see the Smithsonian Museums but they will be much better suited to cold October days we think.
We have mixed feelings about moving on as you do when cruising, everyone has been so friendly and kind to us here, offers of car rides to anywhere, meals at home etc etc flow endlessly. We have had free access to a dinghy dock at a kayak rental office, lifts from the Chandlery staff and probably best indicator of all of the spirit of the place was a parting gift of home grown cucumbers and tomatoes from the local Policeman who has been keeping a look out for us while we were here.